Employer Education and Sponsor Training Programs
Educational Stakeholders with more than one approval can send pre and post approvals to info@cvrp.ca
The College provides an opportunity to educational/training institutes, organizations, sponsors and/or groups offering Vocational Rehabilitation and/or Vocational Evaluation training programs, events, workshops, seminars and/or courses to obtain pre-approval, and post approved on the College’s website. This is offered as a service to organizations as a promotional benefit in attracting CVRP Registrants to their events, to our Registrants and for those professionals in pursuit of achieving certification.
Sponsors who might apply for this pre-approval option would typically include:
- employers providing ongoing in-service training to their certified employees
- educational institutions/training institutes
- professional associations
- independent education sponsors
- other groups offering accredited or peer-reviewed education
Typical programs would include topics for Vocational Rehabilitation (VR), Vocational Evaluation (VE), Disability Management (DM) and Life Care Planning (LCP) training programs, as well as programs for mental health education, professional development, best practices and self-care programs for regulated professionals.
Eligibility Terms of Reference
The College will accept posts for training programs, workshops, seminars and/or courses that fall within any of the Core Competencies of a VR/VE/ICCCP Professional and meets the standards of practice upheld by the College.
The College does not assume responsibility for screening the educational/training institutes or organizations themselves, nor does it endorse products or services of these organizations. It is the Registrants’ responsibility to adequately research the training providers and verify their terms and conditions that may apply to successfully obtaining continuing education units. It is not the role of the College to monitor operational practices of these service providing organizations.
Procedure to Request Pre-approval
CVRP encourages submissions for continuing education pre-approval consideration as this process verifies the exact contact hours/CEUs to be allotted for the specific program, course and/or event.
To request pre-approval of a program, course and/or event (including employment in-service, public or private institution courses/programs of study), seminar, conference, symposium, college or university program/course, a sponsoring organization must submit an email request for Approving and Posting Training or Seminar or Conference and submit all required documentation for consideration. It is the sponsor organization’s responsibility to ensure that all necessary information is provided to support the pre-approval review. Incomplete submissions cannot be considered until all necessary supporting documentation has been provided.
Organizations, sponsors and/or groups (applicant sponsors) submitting requests for pre-approval of their programs are required to provide an initial processing fee. Upon subsequent submissions by the same applicant sponsors, a processing fee is required with each additional request for pre-approval of CEUs. The initial processing fee applies once per calendar year. The applicant sponsor must submit the fee for the pre-approval of the upcoming education before the program can be posted on the CVRP website and distributed in the Registrants email announcements.
Upon gaining approved status, the program/course/event will be posted on the community board of the website and added to the current list of approved CEU programs. The College will endeavour to approve all complete requests as quickly as possible. All approved postings will be noted with the post date and remain on the College website until the program’s application deadline.
The College reserves the right to remove as it warrants any training program posted at any time. The College is the sole determiner as to what will appear on this site.
Please contact the College at info@cvrp.ca to seek pre approval.