Governance Structure
If you are interested in contributing your expertise & serving the College, please send a request for consideration to info@cvrp.ca.
The College offers many volunteer opportunities which allots 12 to 20 CEUs (including ethics) annually to Registrants who volunteer.
- VE/TSA Peer Reviewer Panel Member Eligibility
- Mentoring
- Standing/Ad hoc Committee Members
- Volunteer Projects
CVRP is a Not-for-Profit Corporation.
Executive Committee Positions are voted on by the Board of Directors post AGMs.
- President
- President Elect
- Secretary/Treasurer
Director Positions are elected by Registrants of the College
Directors of the Board for CVRP act as liaisons for a Standing or Ad hoc Committees & as such are responsible for the appointment of committee members & monitor the operation of that committee to ensure the procedures of the committee are followed. The Director can choose to act as the Chair or facilitate the appointment of a Chair by the committee members.
Standing Committees
The College shall establish the following Standing Committees, as set by the 2022 Bylaw NO 1, the composition & duties of which shall be set out in the Rules established by the Board:
- Executive Committee
- Registration Committee
- Complaints Committee
- Discipline Committee
- Fitness to Practice Committee
- Professional Practice Committee
- Examination Committee
- Joint VRAC & CVRP Committee
Special or Ad Hoc Committees
The CVRP Board of Directors may appoint such Special or Ad Hoc Committees, task forces & working groups as may be appropriate or necessary for the attainment of the objects of the College & the efficient conduct of its affairs. The appointments shall be reported to the College at its next regular meeting. Every Special or Ad Hoc Committee, task force or working group shall have specified terms of reference and a date upon which it shall be dissolved.
The Board of Directors shall determine the composition and terms of reference for each Special or Ad Hoc committee.
Standing Committees of the College
The operation of the College depends on Volunteers who are appointed by the Board of Directors to Standing Committees.
The Executive Committee is the only Standing Committee that does not include volunteers. As set out in 2022 General By-Law #1, members of the Executive Committee are the President, the President-Elect, the Secretary/Treasurer & Registrar of the College.
Executive Committee
- Reviews & recommends annual operating & capital budget
- Makes recommendations regarding the management of assets & liabilities of the College
- Seeks candidates for the Board of Directors
- Manages the affairs of the Board
Registration Committee
- Provides guidance on matters concerning registration & education, the evaluating & qualifying examinations and in-service training required prior to an applicant being granted a certificate of registration & membership
- Reviews applications for registration
- Considers applications to remove or modify any terms, conditions or limitations placed on a Registrants’ certificate of registration
Complaints Committee
- Reviews, investigates & considers written complaints made about Registrants
- Takes action where a complaint with respect to a Registrant is upheld
Discipline Committee
- Hears & adjudicates allegations of professional misconduct & incompetence referred to the committee
- Considers applications for reinstatement or to remove or modify any terms, conditions or limitations placed on a Registrants’ certificate of registration
Fitness to Practice Committee
- Assesses referred allegations or concerns about a Registrant’s capacity to practice
Professional Practice Committee:
- Develops, maintains & reviews standards of practice & programs to ensure continued competence of Registrants
- Provides Continuing Education opportunities
Examination Committee
- Deals with various examinations held by the college & oversees the specialty & specifications
- Annually reviews, analyses & updates college examinations
- Advises on all matters relevant to college examinations, including time tables, timing, content, & evaluation (internals & other)
VRAC & CVRP Liaison Committee
- VRAC & CVRP representatives who deal in collaboration with VR &/or VE issues for the profession
- Provides open communications between the VRAC Association & the College