Examination, Registration & CEUs Appeals
The Registration Committee of the College of Vocational Rehabilitation Professionals reviews applications of Appeal from Appellants contesting decisions of the Registrar regarding registration, writing of examinations &/or approval continuing education units (CEUs). There is an administration fee for Appeals, as listed on the CVRP Fee Schedule.
Appeal Procedures
The Appellant is allowed 60 days to appeal a decision.
- The Application for Appeal must be submitted in writing to info@cvrp.ca. The Application for Appeal may be accompanied by written documentation & submissions that the Appellant believes will support the appeal.
- The appeal will be reviewed by the Registration Committee whose decision is considered final & binding. The decision & reasons will be given in writing by the Registration Committee to the Registrar & Appellant within 90 days following receipt of the Application for Appeal.
- The Registration Committee shall refuse to conduct a review if, in its opinion, the appeal is frivolous or an abuse of process. The decision of the Registration Committee in this regard is final & binding.
- The Registration Committee may extend the 60 day time period allowed to submit an appeal if satisfied that there are reasonable grounds. The period of time granted for the extension will be provided in writing to both the Registrar & Appellant.
- The Registration Committee will ensure that the Appellant is given opportunity to review & make any submissions in respect of any document the Committee intends to consider in making the decision on the appeal.
- The Registration Committee may refuse to release a document to any individual if the safety of any individual named therein would be in jeopardy as a result of the release of the document, following risk assessment undertaken by the Registration Committee.
- The Registration Committee need not hold a hearing or afford to any Appellant an opportunity for a hearing before making a decision or providing a direction.
- The Registration Committee, after considering the Appellant’s appeal, written submissions & any documentation it considers relevant, may make an order in accordance with Registration Policy, Examination Policy &/or Continuing Education Policy.
The Registration Committee will review Applications for Appeal upon written request from an Appellant who has been denied registration by the Registrar.
The Appellant’s Application for Appeal may consider one or more of the following criteria:
- Related degrees.
- Demonstrated knowledge, through education & experience, of the Core Competencies Domains of Learning & Domains of Professional Development.
- Employment experience.
- Previous past conduct that has resulted in removal of registration/certifications in other organizations, regulatory colleges or associations with certification granting abilities.
- False or misleading statement(s) or representation(s) in the Application for Registration.
- Whether the Appellant has been advised that he/she does not fulfill the requirements of the procedures, By-Laws or other Policies set by the College.
The Registration Committee will review Applications for Appeal upon written request from an Appellant who has been denied opportunity to write the certification examination or who has concerns regarding the process of examination or regarding the final grade assigned. There is a zero tolerance for any applicant who was observed cheating or using inappropriate behaviour during any College examination sitting. An applicant must sit the examination within one year of application submission.
The Appellant’s Application for Appeal may consider one or more of the following criteria:
- Denial of the application to write the examination if the applicant did not provide one or more of the documents outlined in the New Application Process &/or if the applicant has been denied a refund of the non-refundable application fee. Click New Application Policy.
- The Appellant is denied the opportunity to write the certification examination if the Registrar considers eligibility criteria has not been met.
- The Appellant requested accommodations in the writing of the examination & feels that these were not sufficiently provided.
- The Appellant questions the final certification examination grade assigned.
Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
Following receipt of the fee for appeal of an approved CEU program, the Registration Committee will review Applications for Appeal upon written request from Appellants who have been denied part or all of the requested/submitted CEUs for a specific conference, workshop, seminar, etc.
The Appellant’s Application for Appeal may consider one or more of the following criteria:
- The educational event must be applicable to the Core Competencies.
- Domains of Learning & Domains of Professional Development.
- The prescribed time period of 2 years for submission of CEUs.
- Prescribed documentation submitted with each Application for Approval of Continuing Education.
- Prescribed documentation submitted with the application as per the Pre-Approval Request Form.
- Prescribed documentation submitted with the required documentation as per the Post-Approval Request Form.
Download a full copy of the CVRP Appeals Policy. Click Here