CVRP/Study Guide
Certified Vocational Rehabilitation Professional, CVRP
Scope of Practice
Certified Vocational Rehabilitation Professionals, CVRPs, assist individuals to access, maintain or return to vocational/avocational activities, & to determine & facilitate access to any vocational rehabilitation &/or support services needed to achieve the desired goals. The practice of vocational rehabilitation is a best-practice, client-centered process & specialized service which provides assistance to persons with or at-risk of experiencing disabilities, impairments, limitations and/or barriers with respect to school, home, employment & community-based activities. Certified Vocational Rehabilitation Professionals possess a unique set of knowledge, experiences & skills, as well as the ability to determine & apply interventions & strategies in order to provide vocational rehabilitation services, as confirmed via the College’s certification & examination process.
CVRP Registrants who have successfully completed the CVRP TSA Pathway can also conduct TSAs. Upon achieving CVRP TSA certification, the Registrant is permitted within the Standards of Practice to perform Transferrable Skills Analysis &/or assessments for the purpose of determining suitable alternate employment options &/or career exploration options, along with applicable wages for each option, as well as complex TSAs for forensic analysis.
The following services can be performed by a CVRP when supervised by a CCVE or ICVE:
- Vocational Analysis or Evaluation/Assessment for forensic, medical, legal or dispute resolution purposes
- Transferable Skills Analysis for forensic, benefit eligibility & entitlement, future employability, & earning capacity
The CVRP examination includes questions on counselling vocational development theories . The college advises candidates to refresh their knowledge in this field.
CVRP examination preparatory learning materials:
Module 102: Foundational Theories of Vocational Rehabilitation
CVRP Eligibility & Application Process
Prior to submitting an application, forward a current resume/CV to info@cvrp.ca to determine eligibility at no cost.
The CVRP online exam with virtual proctoring is available in French or English. The exam is divided into two 3 hour sessions. It is a competency examination based on Vocational Rehabilitation, consisting of 300 skill-based, multiple-choice & scenario questions. The content is standardized & a passing grade of 70% is required. If a rewrite is required (up to 3 rewrites) fees payable to CVRP, online exam provider & virtual proctor. An applicant must sit the exam within 1 year of application submission.
1. Application & fee, includes exam in French or English (up to 3 rewrites). Fee is non-refundable. Fee Schedule;&
2. Mandatory Jurisprudence. Registrant receives upon completion 4 Ethics CEUs towards compliance. Jurisprudence; &
3. Proof of ability to work in Canada, current Canadian Passport &/or Canadian Birth Certificate. If you do not currently hold Canadian citizenship, submit authorization under the Immigration Act (Canada) to engage in employment in Canada; &
4. Education transcripts. CVRP accepts soft copies but reserves the right to request originals; &
5. Proof of Vocational Rehabilitation Experience;
5.1. If you are a practicing VR professional with related university degree submit a detailed Resume/Curriculum Vitae, showing a minimum of 800 hours of related work experience; or
5.2. If you are a practicing VR professional with non-VR related university degree submit a detailed Resume/Curriculum Vitae showing a minimum 36 months of related work experience; or
5.3. If you are a new graduate of an accepted VR or Disability Management degree submit transcript documentation or a signed affidavit or 2 written attestations of 800 hours of practicum experience; &
An applicant achieves certification upon the following:
6. Successful exam minimum of 70% (up to 3 rewrites) within 1 year of application submission; &
7. Initial, first year registration within 60 days of successful exam. Fee Schedule;
A Registrant profile is created &/or updated on the Public Registry, to display certification status(s).
Registrants are granted a 4 to 6 weeks grace period to submit:
8. A current Vulnerable Sector Police Check (VSPC)/Criminal Police Check (PC); & current Error & Omissions (E&O)/Liability Insurance
CVRP or CVRP(P) New Application
Certified Vocational Rehabilitation Professionals Transferable Skills Analysis, CVRP TSA
Scope of Practice
Certified Vocational Rehabilitation Professionals Transferable Skills Analysis, CVRP TSAs assist individuals to access, maintain or return to vocational/avocational activities, & to determine & facilitate access to any vocational rehabilitation &/or support services needed to achieve the desired goals. The practice of vocational rehabilitation is a best-practice, client-centered process & specialized service which provides assistance to persons with or at-risk of experiencing disabilities, impairments, limitations &/or barriers with respect to school, home, employment & community-based activities. Certified Vocational Rehabilitation Professionals possess a unique set of knowledge, experiences, skills, as well as the ability to determine & apply interventions & strategies in order to provide vocational rehabilitation services, as confirmed via the College’s certification & examination process. CVRP Registrants, who have successfully met the requirements pertaining to doing TSA scope of work, are recognized to be qualified to independently carry out & write TSA reports without the report being co-authored or peer reviewed by a CCVE.
CVRPs Wanting to do TSA Work
The College of Vocational Rehabilitation Professionals is pleased to announce we have developed a pathway for Registrants who do or want to do TSAs. The College has reviewed the recommendations made & developed a pathway that will evaluate the Registrant’s demonstrated competency while addressing the critical requirement to protect the public.
All future CVRPs wanting to do TSAs must complete the requirements as per the application process.
CVRP TSA Pathway Eligibility & Application Process
The College has developed a provisional pathway for Applicants who do not meet CVRP eligibility.
CVRP(P) Eligibility & Application Process
Prior to submitting an application, forward a current resume/CV to info@cvrp.ca to determine eligibility at no cost.
1. Application & fee, includes exam in French or English (up to 3 rewrites). Fee is non-refundable. Fee Schedule; &
2. Mandatory Jurisprudence. Registrant receives 4 Ethics CEUs towards certification compliance. Jurisprudence; &
3. Proof of ability to work in Canada, current Canadian Passport or Canadian Birth Certificate. If you do not currently hold Canadian citizenship, submit authorization under the Immigration Act (Canada) to engage in employment in Canada; &
4. Education transcripts. CVRP accepts soft copies but reserves the right to request originals; &
5.1. Applicants who do not hold a degree but have completed a post-secondary diploma &/or certificate in Vocational Rehabilitation, Career Development Practice, Disability Management or Life Care Planning can apply. They must have the required 7 years of work experience in the field. They may write the CVRP certification examination & upon successful completion shall enter into a Mentoring Supervision Agreement with the College. They will need to complete 800 hours of VR work experience with a mentor. The credential, CVRP(P) will be conferred upon the Registrant & after successful completion of all requirements under the Mentoring the Registrant will be granted full CVRP status. Registrants will be allowed 36 months to complete the mentorship portion of the Provisional Process by obtaining the required 800 hours of VR experience; or
5.2. Applicants who do not hold a degree, diploma or certificate but who are currently enrolled in a post-secondary degree/diploma/certificate program in Vocational Rehabilitation, Career Development Practice, Disability Management or Life Care Planning can apply. The applicants in this category must also demonstrate a minimum of 7 years of work experience in the field of Vocational Rehabilitation. They may write the CVRP certification examination & upon successful completion shall then enter a Mentoring Supervision Agreement with the College. The credential CVRP(P) will be conferred upon the Registrant &, upon completion of all requirements including completion of the academic program under the Mentorship Supervising Agreement, Registrants will be granted full CVRP status. Applicants will be allowed 36 months to complete the mentorship portion of the Provisional process & must graduate from the program within this time period; or
5.3. Applicants who hold a related university degree but do not have a minimum of 800 VR hours of experience can apply. These applicants may write the CVRP certification examination & upon successful completion shall then enter a Mentoring Supervision Agreement with the College. The credential, CVRP(P), will be conferred upon the Registrant & successful completion of all requirements under the Mentoring Supervising Agreement these candidates will be granted full CVRP status. Applicants will be allowed 36 months to complete the mentorship portion of the Provisional process by obtaining the required 800 hours of VR experience; or
5.4. Applicants who have a non-related university degree & do not have a minimum of 36 months of related experience can apply. These applicants may write the CVRP certification examination & upon successful completion shall then enter a Mentoring Supervision Agreement with the College. The credential, CVRP(P), will be conferred upon Registrant & successful completion of all requirements under the Mentoring Supervising Agreement these candidates will be granted full CVRP status. Applicants will be allowed 36 months to complete the mentorship portion of the Provisional process; &
An applicant achieves certification upon the following:
6. Successful exam minimum of 70% (up to 3 examination rewrites) within 1 year of application submission; &
7. Initial, first year registration fee within 60 days of successful exam. Fee Schedule; &
8. Enter into an approved Mentoring Agreement with the College; &
A Registrant profile is created &/or updated on the Public Registry, to display certification status(s).
Registrants are granted a 4 to 6 weeks grace period to submit:
9. Current Vulnerable Sector Police Check (VSPC)/Criminal Police Check (PC); & current Error & Omissions (E&O)/Liability Insurance
CVRP or CVRP(P) New Application
CVRP(P), CVRP, CVRP(F) or CVRP(D) Certification Compliance
1 Year Renewal Application Declaration/Fee/Insurance
2 Year 40 CEUs Core Competencies/Domains of Learning; 6 Ethics (Domain 8 Vocational Rehabilitation or 6 Vocational Evaluation or Domain 2 Cost of Care)
Provisional Only Mentoring Agreement 36 month Expiry
5 Year VSPC/Criminal Police Check
Note* if Registrant holds multiple certifications CEU domain compliances vary.
Fellow & Diplomate Credential Laddering
The CVRP(F) classification has been developed to recognize individuals within the Vocational Rehabilitation field who have achieved higher levels of professionalism through post-graduate study, having achieved at minimum an undergraduate degree & other related professional certifications & designations.
The CVRP(D) classification recognizes senior practitioners at the highest level of professionalism in the Vocational Rehabilitation field who have achieved at minimum a Master’s degree in a Vocational Rehabilitation field or a Master’s degree in a related field in addition to the completion of a certificate program.
Laddering Eligibility & Application process
For CEUs that do not appear on the approved CEU list, Registrants & Education Stakeholders can submit a pre or post-approval of an education program.
CEU post-approval application
CEU pre-approval application
Suggested Readings
CVRP Study Guide is specifically designed to help candidates prepare for the Certified Vocational Rehabilitation Professional (CVRP) exam. It provides a comprehensive overview of the topics & competencies that are essential for vocational rehabilitation professionals. Studying the guide will ensure you are familiar with the foundational theories, best practices, ethical considerations, & other critical areas covered.
Foundations of the Vocational Rehabilitation Process Stanford E. Rubin & Richard T. Roessler This book provides a comprehensive overview of the vocational rehabilitation process, including historical perspectives, theoretical foundations, & practical applications.
Rehabilitation Counseling: Basics & Beyond Randall M. Parker & Jeanne Boland Patterson This text covers essential topics in rehabilitation counseling, including assessment, counseling techniques, & ethical considerations.
Work & Disability: Contexts, Issues, & Strategies for Enhancing Employment Outcomes for People with Disabilities Edna Mora Szymanski & Randall M. Parker This book explores the various factors that influence employment outcomes for individuals with disabilities & offers strategies for improving vocational rehabilitation services.
Principles of Biomedical Ethics Tom L. Beauchamp & James F. Childress This text provides a thorough examination of ethical principles & their application in healthcare & rehabilitation settings.
Standards for Educational & Psychological Testing American Educational Research Association, American Psychological Association, & National Council on Measurement in Education This book outlines the standards for developing & using educational & psychological tests, which is crucial for understanding assessment tools used in vocational rehabilitation.
The Case Manager’s Handbook Catherine M. Mullahy This comprehensive guide covers the principles & practices of case management, including assessment, planning, & coordination of services.
Life Care Planning & Case Management Handbook Roger O. Weed & Debra E. Berens This book provides detailed information on life care planning & case management for individuals with catastrophic injuries and chronic health conditions.
Cognitive Therapy of Depression Aaron T. Beck This classic text on cognitive therapy offers valuable insights into the treatment of depression, which is relevant for vocational rehabilitation professionals working with clients experiencing mental health challenges.
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation: Principles & Practice Joel A. DeLisa & Bruce M. Gans This comprehensive text covers the principles & practices of physical medicine & rehabilitation, including assessment, treatment, & management of various conditions.
Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) American Psychiatric Association This manual is essential for understanding the diagnostic criteria for mental health disorders, which is crucial for vocational rehabilitation professionals working with clients with mental health conditions.
Historic Foundations of Vocational Rehabilitation – Reference Materials
Thomas Gallaudet (1787-1851)
Dorothea Dix (1824-1880)
Samuel Gridley Howe (1801-1886)
Hawthorne Effect
Vocational Rehabilitation History in Canada
International Rulings Impacting Vocational Rehabilitation
Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (Disabled Persons) Convention (ILO 1983)
International Bill of Human Rights (United Nations 1948)
Declaration of the Rights of Disabled Persons (United Nations 1975)
Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (United Nations,2006)
Canadian Acts & Rulings Impacting Vocational Rehabilitation
Constitution Act 1982
Canadian Human Rights Act
Canadian Multiculturalism Act
Canadian Pension Plan Disability
Canadian Elections Act
Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act
Obstacles Report
Workers Compensation Acts
Schools of Psychology
Understand the basics of Structuralism
Understand the basics of behaviourial schools of thought
Understand the basics of cognitive-behaviourial models
Understand the basics of existential psychology:
Understanding the basics of humanistic psychology
Understand the basics of reality therapy
Understand the basics of psychoanalytic/psychodynamic theories
Schools of Vocational Counselling
Understand the basics of career counselling
Understand the basics Trait-Factor models of career counselling
Understand the basics of Holland’s Career Typology
Understand the basics of Super’s Life-Span Theory
Understand the basics of Krumboltz’ Career Choice Theory
Understand the basics of the Constructive Theory/Models of Career Development
Understand the basics of Gottfredsons’ Circumscription/Compromise Theory
Understand the basics of Ginzberg’s Theory of Occupational Choice
Annual Renewal Policy
Registration Polices
If you would like more information, contact CVRP.