Qualifying Education for Certifications
Some programs listed may not have related vocational and rehabilitation components, an applicant holding one of these degrees/diploma/certificates will be reviewed for acceptance to sit the certification online examination.
Dalhousie University – Certificate in Disability Management
Pacific Coast University – Advanced Certificate in Return to Work (ACRTW)
Pacific Coast University – Bachelor of Disability Management (BDM)
Pacific Coast University for Workplace Health Sciences, Port Alberni, BC offers a Bachelor of Disability Management (BDM) degree program. This program provides graduates with the underpinning of knowledge, skills & competencies both to assist absent workers to return to work and to assist employing organizations, service providers, & insurers in the public, private, & not-for-profit sectors to introduce & operate cost-effective & responsive disability management and return-to-work programs.
Pacific Coast University – Disability Management Practitioner Certificate
Simon Fraser University – Rehabilitation and Disability Management Diploma.
Simon Fraser University – Vocational Rehabilitation and Disability Management Certificate *NEW program
York University, Toronto, ON – graduate program in Critical Disability Studies offers courses, research & professional training leading to an M.A. and/or PhD.
York University – BA/BSc with York-Seneca Certificate in Rehabilitation Services
University of Calgary – Master of Disability and Community Rehabilitation Studies
University of Calgary – Bachelor of Community Rehabilitation
University of Calgary, AB has a Community Rehabilitation & Disability Studies program, which offers several undergraduate & graduate level diplomas & degrees including a course-based Masters of Disability & Community Studies (MDCS) degree. The goal of this program is to foster leadership, innovation, & partnerships that advance knowledge, policy, & practice in Community Rehabilitation & the lives of individuals with disabilities in the community.
Bow Valley College – Disability Studies Diploma
Bow Valley College – Disability Studies Certificate
University of British Columbia – Master of Education and Counselling Psychology in Vocational Rehabilitation Counselling
The Department of Educational & Counselling Psychology & Special Education offers M.A. & M.Ed. Special Education degrees in several disability-specific areas of concentration including Blindness & Visual Impairments, Deaf & Hard of Hearing, Autism & Developmental Disabilities, Behaviour Disorders, Learning Disabilities, & Supporting Inclusive Education.
University of Northern British Columbia, Prince George, BC
Offers an MA degree program in Disability Management focused on providing graduates with the knowledge & skills necessary to assist labor, management, insurance providers, employers, & employees with the development of successful work entry or return-to-work strategies for injured workers and/or persons with disabilities.
Douglas College – Career Development Practice Certificate
Douglas College – Employment Supports Specialty Advanced Certificate
Douglas College – Graduate Diploma, Psychosocial Rehabilitation
Douglas College – Disability and Applied Behaviour Analysis Certificate
University of Manitoba – Master of Disability Studies
University of Winnipeg – Bachelor of Disability Studies
University of Winnipeg, Winnipeg, MB – offers BA options at the 3-year, 4-year, & honours level. The focus of the program is the critical analysis of disability in society. It includes the study of disability as a social, cultural, historical, & political construction. Students are encouraged to examine a wide range of topics such as human rights, ethics, social movements, theory, family, sexuality, employment, socialization, aging, education, international development, & gender issues.
Red River College – Disability and Community Support Diploma
University of Fredericton – Certificate in Integrated Disability Management
Offers an 18-month professional diploma in Integrated Disability Management, which is designed for professionals & practitioners working in the field of disability management, or who are seeking to pursue disability management as a career option. Students come into this diploma program with an academic background in a related discipline as well as with workplace experience in disability management. It also offers a 4-month online certificate in Integrated Disability Management.
Conestoga College – Graduate Certificate, Career Development Practitioner Diploma
University of Windsor – Bachelor of Disability Studies
Humber College – Graduate Certificate, Addictions and Mental Health
Ryerson University – School of Disability Studies
Offers part-time university education to adults with a disability-related college diploma or other post-secondary certification combined with disability-related work experience. At the end of the equivalent of approximately 2 years of full-time study, students receive a B.A. (Disability Studies). Alternatively, the School offers a Minor in Disability Studies for students from other Ryerson programs seeking to engage with new understandings and scholarship in this field
Carleton University – Minor in Disability Studies
Mohawk College – Graduate Certificate, Mental Health and Disability Management
Mohawk College – Graduate Certificate, Psychosocial Rehabilitation
Mohawk College – Graduate Certificate, Concurrent Disorders
McMaster University – Professional Addiction Studies
Fanshawe College – Career Development Practitioner Certificate
University of Alberta – Fundamentals of Disability Management
School of Health Sciences – Disability Case Management
University of Guelph – Certificate in Disability Management
Brock University – Applied Disability Studies MA
Offers 2 graduate degree programs – MA in Applied Disability Studies and Masters of Applied Disability Studies MADS – as well as a graduate diploma program. The aim is to contribute to the betterment of the lives of persons with disabilities by providing multidisciplinary, quality postgraduate education to the next generation of professionals, researchers & educators, as well as to experienced professionals in the field
University of Wisconsin – Stout – B.S. Rehabilitation Services
Vancouver Island University – Leadership and Disability Studies
King’s Western University – Disability Studies
Auburn University – Vocational Evaluation Forensic Certificate Program
Western University, London, ON – The Developmental Disabilities Program in the Department of Psychiatry does not offer any degrees, diplomas, or certificates solely in the study of developmental disabilities. It does offer educational opportunities for medical students, residents, practicing physicians, allied health professionals, mental health care practitioners, health care practitioners, & members of the Southwestern ON community in the care & treatment of people with developmental disabilities, with the goal of improved medical care for this population.
University of Windsor, Windsor, ON – offers a B.A. (Honours) program in Disability Studies. This program has 20-course, 30-course & 40-course options available which can meet the needs of students coming directly from secondary school, graduates of ON CAAT human services programs, & students already employed in human services settings.
Yorkville University – Master of Arts in Counselling Psychology MACP The online Master of Arts in Counselling Psychology MACP is a 28-month practicum-based program that prepares you for a career in the field of counselling psychology. The Counselling Psychology Master’s program has a combination of core and elective courses to build the foundational competencies and practical skills needed to become professional counsellors, researchers, educators and psychotherapists. Graduating from the MACP program will help you in acquiring professional registration in your provincial jurisdiction and become eligible to apply for several designations/credentials.