Public Registry
As a self-regulating body, the College of Vocational Rehabilitation Professionals must provide the public access to all Registrant credentials & registration statuses.
The ability to search the Public Registry is a useful tool to assist the public in locating a specific registered VR professional or to provide a short list of registered professionals practicing in a specific city, region, province, state or country. The CVRP Public Registry lists all Certified Vocational Professionals currently registered with the College.
If a name does not appear that individual is not registered with the College. Please check your spelling and try again.
Please note, individuals who are not registered & in good standing with the College are not permitted to use College certifications. i.e. CVRP, CVRP(F), CVRP(D), CVRP(P), CVRP TSA, CCVE, CCVE(F), CCVE(D), CCVE(P), ICCCP, ICCCP(F), ICVE, ICVE(F), ICVE(D), ICVE(P) or RTWDM.