Errors & Omissions/Liability Practice Insurance
The College requires all Registrants of the College hold & maintain current Errors & Omissions/Liability Insurance (E&O) policy, preferably with Defense Insurance for College complaints, as part of maintenance of their certification. The Insurance should be specifically designed to cover the scope of practice & the Standards of Practice for a Vocational Rehabilitation Professional. The Defense Insurance allows a practitioner to consult a lawyer early in the complaints process & allows frivolous or malicious complaints to be resolved quickly. Other levels of E&O/Liability insurance, not specifically designed for a Vocational Rehabilitation Professional, may not be acceptable. It is the responsibility of each Registrant to ensure that adequate coverage is maintained, whether through an affiliated professional association policy, a personal policy or a policy provided through their place of employment.
Registrants must maintain a valid professional liability insurance with a minimum of 2 million per claim. A Registrant granted a Leave of Absense or Non-Practicing certification status is advised to maintain Professional Liability Insurance (E&O)/Liability throughout the period of leave. A Registrant on an LOA or NP is encouraged to contact their E&O/Liability carrier to discuss change in practice status, as some carriers do have options of coverage for practice interruptions. Maintaining the E&O/Liability insurance coverage is to ensure that the Registrant is protected from any claim made against them with regards to an event that occurred prior to the LOA or NP. Proof of current E&O/Liability insurance will be required upon return to active practice
If no longer practicing, CVRP recommends attaining an “Extended Reporting Period” or “Tail Coverage” from your insurance company that will extend policies to cover for potential lawsuits that stem from professional services rendered while active. “Extended Reporting Period” or “Tail Coverage” is usually available for a fraction of the cost of an active policy.
The VRA Canada E&O policy will defend allegations brought against you (whether frivolous or with merit). Trisura Guarantee Insurance Company, the insurance company underwriting VRA Canada’s program, cover your legal defense costs & pay damages awarded to third parties (subject to the terms of your policy). Click here for the VRA Canada Insurance Program Overview.
For Registrants who are not members of an association, Prolink Insurance Group has developed a policy for CVRP Registrants called “Miscellaneous Malpractice Liability Policy for Claims Made & Reported”.
For more information contact: