Non-Practicing Policy/Application
To qualify for Non-Practicing Status, Registrants must not be currently employed or practicing as a VR professional. Non-practicing allows the Registrant to maintain their credential at a reduced cost. Non-practicing renewals must be submitted by 11:59 PM on the annual renewal date.
While non-practicing Registrants must maintain their CEU certification compliances as outlined on their CVRP profile. Registrants who wish to return to full-practicing must submit an annual renewal form.
A Registrant granted a non-practicing status is advised to maintain E&O/Liability throughout the period of leave. A Registrant on an NP is encouraged to contact their E&O/Liability carrier to discuss change in practice status, as some carriers do have options of coverage for practice interruptions. Maintaining the E&O/Liability insurance coverage is to ensure that the Registrant is protected from any claim made against them with regards to an event that occurred prior to the NP. Proof of E&O/Liability insurance will be required upon return to active practice.
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