Leave of Absence (LOA) Policy/Application
Registrants of the College of Vocational Rehabilitation Professionals may be granted a Leave of Absence, LOA from Practice Status. Types & periods of leave may vary depending on circumstances & can be requested for up to 12 months. The Registrant must complete the annual registration renewal each year, be it at practice status or continued leave status.
Each province, territory &/or state has legislation governing employment standards & regulations specific to leaves of absence. For the purposes of this policy, the definition of “Leave of Absence” may or may not be in absolute alignment with laws, regulations & employment standards of each Registrant’s province/state of work. Reference to any applicable legislation or regulations is solely for the purpose of defining types of leave that qualify under that provincial/state law for an employment absence.
Click here to apply for a Leave of Absence.
Types of Leave
Types of leave may include those as are commonly defined by laws governing employment LOA’s. These may include maternity, parental, family care leave, medical leave, work interruption (employment change/disruption), military service, civic responsibility (i.e. jury duty) & compassionate leave. Following an LOA, a Registrant can request an extension for up to 60 days for submission of CEUs. There will be no fee assessed for this requested CEU extension request. Registrants should be aware that their CEU period will be shortened. Request for extension must be received 14 days prior to the CEU submission date. Approved LOAs do not change the date or requirements for annual registration maintenance.
Status While on Leave
While on leave, a Registrant is considered inactive, the Registrant will continue to retain their original class of registration. No work in the field of vocational rehabilitation &/or vocational evaluation can be performed without notifying the College of return to practice status. This includes participation in a part-time or graduated return to work program or volunteer hours in a work conditioning program if there is any interaction with the public.
At the end of an LOA, the registration fees for that current year must be brought to practicing status. Registrants are required to submit their full annual registration fee & the LOA fee will be refunded. All outstanding CEU’s must be submitted or a CEU extension requested.
A Registrant granted an LOA is advised to maintain Professional Liability Insurance (E&O)/Liability Insurance throughout the period of leave. A Registrant on an LOA is encouraged to contact their E&O/Liability carrier to discuss change in practice status, as some carriers do have options of coverage for practice interruptions. Maintaining the E&O/Liability insurance coverage is to ensure that the Registrant is protected from any claim made against them with regards to an event that occurred prior to the LOA. Proof of E&O/Liability insurance will be required upon return to active practice.
Application Process for Leave of Absence
To apply for an LOA, a Registrant must complete the Leave of Absence Application, & pay fee as listed on the Fee Schedule. The LOA beginning date & the anticipated end date of the leave must be clearly noted on the application.
Duration of Leave
Duration of leave is dependent upon the type of LOA requested & circumstance of Registrant. If the leave goes beyond the dates approved, (if return to practice was originally anticipated before the Registrant’s annual renewal date), the Registrant must complete the application for LOA before or on the date of their annual renewal. Failure to do so will result in the assessment of registration penalty.
Maintenance of Continuing Education
Submission of Continuing Education requirements may be deferred to the end of the LOA period. Please note, this will shorten your next CEU period. A request for CEU extension must be made at least 15 days prior to the deadline.
Should an LOA exceed 3 years, reinstatement of the Registrant during the fourth year will require completion and submission of the mandatory number of CEUs, along with completion of the CVRP Jurisprudence module.
Reinstatement of Registrants exceeding 4 years of leave will require completion of the CVRP Jurisprudence module and re-writing of the certification exam.