What is VR?
The practice of Vocational Rehabilitation Professionals involves the assessment, evaluation & identification of persons who are experiencing, or at risk of experiencing, vocational disability. Vocational Rehabilitation Professionals develop & execute vocational rehabilitation & return-to-work plans designed to achieve or restore optimum vocational & avocational outcomes. These outcomes are achieved through the application of knowledge, skills, interventions & strategies that are unique to the discipline & profession of vocational rehabilitation. As professionals working with persons with disabilities, Vocational Rehabilitation Professionals value independence & integration. They are committed to removing barriers so that all individuals may have equal access to employment opportunities & their communities. The priority in the vocational rehabilitation process is the needs of clients.
The services provided by VR Professionals include:
- Vocational rehabilitation services
- Vocational assessments
- Transferable skills analysis
- Job analysis, development, placement
- Training, work adjustment, job skills
- Vocational/avocational planning
- Life Care Planning
- Education prevention of vocational disability/disadvantage
- Case management/rehabilitation services coordination & disability management
- Mediation/negotiation of (re-)employment contracts
There is a commitment to client centered services & interdisciplinary teamwork. Ethical relationships are maintained between professionals & direct service clients, family members, third parties, community agencies, employers, colleagues, & students. They are also maintained with third parties who contract for assessments, rehabilitation plans, & with those who provide work placement & job development services.