Core Competencies/Domains of Learning
The knowledge base of the Vocational Rehabilitation, Vocational Evaluation & Cost of Care Planning is divided into domains which reflect major areas of knowledge. These domains were constructed by examining the field & other similar professional designations.
Vocational Rehabilitation & Disability Management
Core Competencies/Domains of Learning
- Vocational Rehabilitation Theory & Practice
- Foundational History of Profession
- Models of Vocational Rehabilitation
- Value of Vocational Rehabilitation
- Legal Foundation, Expert Witness
- Aspects of Disabilities
- Range of disabilities & Implications
- Work related injuries/illness, Non-work related injuries/illnesses, Congenital disabilities, Physical disabilities, Psychological disabilities
- Preventative Approaches, Trends in disabilities, Rise of psychological disabilities
- Vocational Interviewing & Counselling
- Techniques & implications of vocational interviewing
- What is important, How is trust built, What should be documented, How to elicit information
- Understanding of vocational counselling techniques, End-goals, Client needs/goals, Working with difficult clients, Moving client forward, Cross-cultural/gender implications, Development of return to work plan
- Role of Assessment & Assessment Procedures in Vocational Rehabilitation
- Assessments of clients and uses & implications
- Types of assessment used, aptitude, interest, achievement, What various assessment tests are.
- How to understand an assessment, Defining questions to be asked of assessor.
- Transferable skills analysis, Using software programs for testing, Statistics, Standard deviation, Mean, Median, Mode
- Diversity & the Vocational Rehabilitation Professional
- Understanding diversity of clients, Various diverse groups
- Implications for the VR process
- Understand how to identify own biases, Working with diverse groups, Using community/family resources, Implications of diversity on return to work
- Job Development and Placement
- Understanding limitations/restrictions, Job demands, Hidden job market
- Resume construction, Interview skills, Locating job placements, Job club, Job coaching, Co-worker model, Monitoring, Job development
- Case Management & Disability Management
- Case management & disability management
- Working with the medical community, insurance carriers, including compensation system, community resources, referrals, the rehabilitation process, rehabilitation professionals
- Disability Management early intervention, working with management/labour groups, job accommodation, modification, work related restrictions/limitations, graduated return to work
- Professional Conduct & Ethical Practice
- Ethical foundation, including Standards of Practice
- Avoiding misconduct through jurisprudence, Determining ethical dilemmas, Understanding conflicting values, Examining possible decisions & short/long term implications, Aspirational codes of ethics, Legal responsibilities
- Well-being, Burn out, Relaxation, Healthy life-style
- Communication & Record Keeping
- Keeping accurate records, What should/should not be documented, Communication with other professionals
- File & document security, Speaking to a group, Use of computer programs, Adult learning, Release of information
- Supervision of Provisional Registrant/VR Student
- Active/Fulfilling CVRP Mentorship Agreement
- Volunteer Credits/Other Volunteer Credits
- Serving as a Board or Committee Member
- Volunteering of a VR Organization
- Development/Presentation of VR Education/Publications
- Development of VR presentation for seminar/conference, In-service education/training
- Authoring published peer reviewed article, Book Chapter &/or Book, Developing curriculum for VR course
- Editorial reviewing of VR &/or rehabilitation counselling publication
- Developing Federal/Provincial/State Legislation/Regulations
- Other Professional Development
- Researching in VR &/or career/counselling/placement
- Employment & Computer Training
Vocational Evaluation
Core Competencies/Domains of Learning
- Foundation of Vocational Evaluation
- History of Rehabilitation & treatment of disability
- Levels & Stages of Assessment
- The role & scope of Vocational Evaluation, Specific types of assessments by collaborating Professionals
- Principles of Vocational Evaluation
- Orientation to Vocational Evaluation, setting the stage to ensure best results
- Worksite Evaluation, Critical Behavioral Observation
- Community-Based Vocational Assessment (CBVA), The Congruence Dimension
- Career Development Language & Theories
- Test/Tool Selection in Vocational Evaluation & Assessment
- Orientation to Testing & Measurement
- Use of Standardized Measurements
- Types of Tests & Selection, Accommodation in Testing, Disabilities & Testing
- Interpretation, Scoring, Reporting
- Transferable Skill Analysis & Employability Skills
- Function & Applications of the TSA
- Occupation Analysis, Methodologies, Understanding Variables
- Preparation and Strategies, Tools & Software Programs
- Occupational Information
- General Overview of Employment, Labour Market Research
- Trends in Employment, Types of Jobs, Skills, Standards
- Career Exploration, Classification, Occupational Resources
- Policies and Benefit Options, Job Placement, Accommodations/Modifications
- Types of Accommodations and Modifications, Techniques in Facilitation
- Ethics
- VRAC Code of Ethics & CVRP Standards of Practice
- Ethical Reporting, Ethical Decision Making
- Informed Consent & Release of Data
- Disability
- Types of Disabilities
- Medical Aspects, Functional, Psychological, Pharmacology
- Episodic Disabilities
- Rights & Policies Regarding Disabilities, Impact of Disabilities Within the Workplace
- Resources, Programs, Devices, Exceptionalities
- Communication
- Case Management
- Interviewing, Counselling, Mediation
- Report Development, Presentation of Findings
- Developing & Communicating Plans
- Supervision of Provisional Registrant/VE Student
- Active/Fulfilling Mentorship Agreement
- Volunteer Credits/Other Volunteer Credits
- Serving as a Board or Committee Member
- Volunteering of a VE Organization
- Development/Presentation of VE Education/Publications
- Development of VE presentation for seminar/conference, In-service education/training
- Authoring published peer reviewed article, Book Chapter &/or Book, Developing curriculum for VE course
- Editorial reviewing of VE &/or rehabilitation counselling publication
- Developing Federal/Provincial/State Legislation/Regulations
- Other Professional Development
- Researching in VE &/or career/counselling/placement
- Employment & Computer Training
Cost of Care
core Competencies/Domains of Learning
1. Life Care Planning Foundation & Methodology
2. Ethics
3. Spinal Cord Injuries
4. Acquired Brain Injuries & Neurotrauma
5. Burns
6. Amputations
7. Neonatal/Pediatric Disabling Conditions
8. Mental Health Conditions & Trauma
9. Sensory Impairments
10. Other Disabling Conditions
11. Legislation
12. Loss of Valuable Services