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IARP – International Academy of Life Care Planners – Life Care Planning Summit: Aligning for Consensus 2025 – Past Foundations to Future Needs

Save the Date!

Please mark your calendars for the upcoming 2025 Life Care Planning Summit!

Life Care Planning Summit:
Aligning for Consensus 2025
Past Foundations to Future Needs

Plans are under way for a fantastic event.  We are hoping to have Life Care Planners from all disciplines and with a variety of certifications so we can reach consensus together. Summit is being held at The University of Minnesota McNamara Alumni Center on May 16 and 17, 2025.

All Life Planners are invited and welcome! Please join us. Registration and hotel information coming soon.

Any questions, please contact co-chairs Brook Feerick at brook@feerickrn.com or Amy McKenzie at amy@mackenzieclcp.com.

This entry was posted in Education, Employment.