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File A Complaint

File a complaint

Complaints must describe, in detail, specific concerns about conduct, competence, &/or health ailment (impairing practice) of a Registrant. If a Registrant works for a provincial/state or federal employer, who have legislated protection against processing liability practice suits, the College will proceed to process any practice complaints received against those Registrants. The College Complaints & Discipline process is not litigation but an intensive internal peer adjudicated review to ensure Registrants practice within their scope of practice & cause no harm to the Public through negligence &/or practice misconduct. Once a complaint is received, the Complainant & Registrant named in the complaint, must sign legal waivers protecting the confidentiality of the Complaints Proceedings & that, at no time, will any information gained or shared during the CVRP complaints process be released or used in a future litigation procedure. If a Registrant is found to have committed a practice misconduct, then complaints results are submitted to the Discipline Committee for action. All disciplinary complaints are published on the Public Registry for public review.
Complainant Name(Required)
The name of the person making the complaint (the “complainant”).
Name of Member who is subject of Complaint(Required)
The name of the Member who is the subject of the complaint, or if the Member’s name is not known, sufficient particulars by which the College can reasonably determine the name of the Member;
A statement or statements regarding the conduct or actions of the Member with sufficient details to identify the concerns of the complainant & should include: a. The date(s), time(s) & place(s) of the event or events giving rise to the complaint; b. The name & contact information of any person who may have witnessed the event or events giving rise to the complaint or who may have useful information; & c. Any other documentation which may be relevant to the investigation of the complaint.
Max. file size: 60 MB.
Any other documentation which may be relevant to the investigation of the complaint.
Max. file size: 60 MB.
Any other documentation which may be relevant to the investigation of the complaint.
Max. file size: 60 MB.
Any other documentation which may be relevant to the investigation of the complaint.
Max. file size: 60 MB.
Any other documentation which may be relevant to the investigation of the complaint.