Applied Ethics – Vocational Rehabilitation Practice – 4 Ethics CEUs
Welcome to the CVRP Applied Ethics – Vocational Rehabilitation Practice Learning Module.
This program is worth 4 ethics CEU credits.
Course Description
Traditionally most Vocational Rehabilitation decisions are thought to be based on consideration of the client’s physical, social, economic, education, vocational history, interests, goals, service providers, family and community resources. However, when making ethical decisions, Certified Vocational Rehabilitation Professionals are influenced by their own personal values, values of their client and the values in their organizational culture. As a result of conflicts among these values, Certified Vocational Rehabilitation Professionals frequently confront ethical dilemmas.
Professional ethics encompass the personal, organizational and corporate standards of behaviour expected of professionals. Professionals and those working in acknowledged professions, exercise specialized knowledge and skill. This knowledge should be governed when providing a service to the public can be considered a moral issue and is termed professional ethics. Professionals are capable of making judgments, applying their skills and reaching informed decisions in situations that the general public cannot. One of the earliest examples of professional ethics is probably the Hippocratic oath to which medical doctors still adhere to this day.
Learning Objectives
- Understand implications of personal ethics and professional ethics.
- Identify major schools of ethical theory.
- Identify the 5 values associated with ethical decision making.
- Understand the implications of psychological processes on ethical decision making.
- Understand steps in the ethical decision making process.