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CAN-ASC-1.1 Draft standard on employment

CAN-ASC-1.1 Draft standard on employment – Accessibility Standards Canada

This is the first edition of ASC 1.1 Standard on employment.

This Standard is intended to align with other relevant standards, such as:

  • CSA Z1011 Work disability management system

Note: This Standard is also intended to align with the accessibility planning framework. This was developed via the office of the Accessibility Commissioner using relevant human rights codes and employment legislation, including:

  • Accessible Canada Act
  • Canada Labour Code
  • Canadian Human Rights Act
  • Employment Equity Act

This Standard specifies requirements for a documented and systematic approach to developing, implementing, and maintaining accessible and inclusive workplaces, and provides complementary information in Annexes (A through F).

Accessibility Standards Canada models the language used in the Accessible Canada Act and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities by using person-first language (see definition of person-first language in Clause 4). Careful selection of language when referring to a group of people is vital. The proper use of language conveys respect, dignity, and value, and moves away from labelling, stereotyping and discrimination.

This Standard centres on the intersecting identities within which disability is experienced. It recognizes that the lived experience of any person with a disability will be unique and is not reflective of others with the same disabilities or persons with disabilities as a whole. In keeping with the principle of intersectional experience, this Standard provides multiple formats of communication and language that persons with disabilities use to interact with the world and other people. In addition, this Standard takes an equity approach so that one type or subtype of disability does not take precedence over another.

This voluntary Standard can be used for conformity assessment.

Development of this Standard was undertaken by Accessibility Standards Canada (ASC). The content was prepared by the Employment Technical Committee impanelled by ASC, under the authority of ASC management, and has been formally approved by the Technical Committee.


  1. This Standard was developed by consensus, which is defined as a substantial agreement implying much more than a simple majority, but not necessarily unanimity. Consistent with this definition, a member may be included in the Technical Committee list, but yet not be in complete agreement with all the clauses in this Standard.
  2. This Standard is subject to periodic review, and suggestions for improvement will be referred to the appropriate technical committee.
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